We’ve just begun playing in an original Traveller setting, called the Array.

Earth is no longer even a memory. Humaniti has existed for tens of thousands of years, in a large open cluster of stars, outside the galactic plane.

Unlike Charted Space, the Array is in three dimensions. Almost all of it is contained within a cubic volume of space, 128 parsecs on a side (a little over 400 light years). The Array map is divided into cubic sectors, each one measuring 8 parsecs on a side. The z coordinates count up as you go deeper into the Array (a convention of the interstellar culture that has arisen). With 16 sectors along each side, the Array has over 4000 sectors.

Each sector can also be mapped locally, with individual stars and other features. These maps have only one flat depiction; no two stars can share the same x and y coordinates, so that one star is never directly below another. It’s the concession we’re making for ease of play without a VTT.