Living Languages
Thousands of languages have arisen throughout the tens of thousands of years since the Arrival. Once the Array became radio-noisy, regional languages developed. Currently the living languages spoken on multiple worlds are in four main families: The Salanic, The Anguan, The Ashanti and Morathi. There are two Salanic languages (Salanic and High Salluminic). Of the three major Anguan languages (Almerandi, Osteroszan, and Trienese) each has dual roots, one from the legacy of the First Dominion, and another from a local cultural identity. Ashanti is singular, as is Morathi. Shadari is spoken by Imperial citizens and by military personnel, but in the Empire, most subjects are not expected to learn it. Some of these speak local languages, and/or Compact Standard, for which lessons are available on radio broadcasts throughout the Array.
Dead Languages
The Bystanders had a language that may have small influences on the Sharer culture, but that language group was phased out thousands of years ago in favor of more advanced linguistic ideas.
Gelloinese is an Anguan language that is now only spoken on a few worlds, with diminishing speakers in the midst of more modern languages like Osteroszan and Trienese.
Artificial Languages
Compact Standard was created 1500 years ago for commerce by Almerand and Sallumin, but has widened into a fully developed language for most uses, though it is not well-suited to poetry. Since then it has been adopted as an international language in most the cosmopolitan Array (everywhere but Triene, where it was discontinued over 200 years ago). It’s used in science and technical fields, even in parts of Triene.
Base 80 is the language of the Artifact Tablets. Each usually has had multiple levels to the meaning from various approaches to translation. Some still have not been adequate interpreted. Some tablets are still found, once a century or so.