A megacorp, CASIC, searches the Array far and wide for unusual projects to fund. The Clychon Applied Science Innovation Conglomerate pays close attention to technological advances being made by individuals, worlds, and smaller companies and concerns. Some of CASIC’s activities are under-written by the Compact, through the Council, including proprietary tech for Sokun ships. The perception at least is that CASIC acts with an eye to preserving the Compact, but some of their projects are secretive, as they are known to hoard technology, sometimes even from the Compact.

CASIC has scouts in the field looking for promising projects to fund, with those approved for full development being under the umbrella of a guarantee of ethical application of the discoveries. While this tech is not necessarily as high as some of that achieved in other parts of the Array, the wide assortment of unique solutions, as well as monopolies on key technologies (including F+R drives and pearl turrets), make them a legitimate megacorporation.

CASIC also pursues activities outside of the Compact’s umbrella, even at times in Triene, and particularly in the Pocket, which is home to much weird science and innovation. This section of the corporation, Blackbranch, is semi-autonomous, sometimes operating as a clandestine department that may or may not also engage in corporate espionage. The Compact maintains plausible deniability.