Ebon March
South March
There are 4096 sectors on the Array map. Each is a cube, 8 parsecs on a side. A sector map is divided into 1/2 parsec spaces (just over 1.5 light years), each of which may have a feature, either a system, a bridge, or a nebula.
If a space has a feature, the lower left of the space shows the z coordinate of that feature. In the case of a nebula with no known systems, it’s a range of z coordinates.
To allow us to portray a cube of space on a 2D sector map, we have made the concession that no two systems in a sector can have the same x and y coordinates (thus one directly above another).
This means that, if a system or bridge is discovered inside a nebula, the z coordinate ‘collapses’ into that single z where the system is located.